Custom Mercedes-Benz Atego for “Trafiq”

- “Trafiq” from Udenhout (Netherlands) recently started using the new Mercedes-Benz Atego 1224 L
- The Atego automatically places cones for lane closures and picks them up again
- Safe working conditions and practical vehicle equipment were the two priorities
Stuttgart/Udenhout – Safety and fast traffic flow on roads are crucial. Unavoidable delays caused by roadworks annoy road users, to the extent that roadworkers are often the target of aggressive behaviour which occasionally results in dangerous situations. The ability to close a lane quickly and safely is therefore quite literally a matter of life and death. Bodybuilder “Trafiq” develops, builds, markets and maintains roadworks systems which make it easier, faster and safer for all those involved in roadworks. The affiliated company “Trafrent” rents out the systems along with the experienced staff that set them up.
Mercedes-Benz Atego 1224 L with a body from “Trafiq”
A new Mercedes-Benz Atego 1224 with an automatic transmission recently joined the fleet. The fuel tank and batteries have been integrated into the frame to facilitate the specialist work undertaken by “Trafiq”, creating sufficient space for a system which places cones automatically on the road. The 275 cones in the Atego are placed and picked up at a speed between 15 and 25 km/h, providing a safe solution as personnel no longer have to put out the cones manually one by one while the traffic rushes past. The driver operates the entire system automatically from the Atego cab. For safety reasons, equipment such as a rumble strip or a mobile lane closure trailer can also be deployed fully automatically from the cab.
Good track record
Commercial vehicle dealer Rüttchen Tilburg supplied the Mercedes-Benz Atego 1224 L, the second vehicle of this type in the “Trafiq” fleet. Last year the company took delivery of an Atego with the same configuration. Thanks to the superb results with the first Mercedes-Benz Atego, which proved a highly practical, reliable and convenient solution, when it came to buying a new truck the decision virtually made itself. The Mercedes-Benz Atego is expected to do around 50,000 kilometres a year.