TEST: Mercedes X164 GL450 US import

One day last summer when i was on on a job i stumled on this at a customer of mine he had bought the 450 us imported car from a swedish dealer that has good connections with the us.
I asked him for a test drive and he said yes. The GL450 felt big but easy to handle as Mercedes usually makes the driver feel , no matter the size of the car it feels like you have full control over it in any situation.
At highway speed it behaved very steady not the kind of wobbly feeling of sitting on top of an marshmallow balancing that some SUVs give you. I never had any opportunity to take it and drive in any terrain but i don´t doubt at all that there is a good off roader in this huge car.
The speedometer was in miles even (Here in Sweden we use the metric system)
Impressive looking front.