New in 2010: genuine accessories for Mercedes-Benz Actros, Axor and Atego

- Portable navigation device saves time and mileage
- Route guidance which makes allowance for all truck data ‑ dimensions, weight, trailer data and hazardous goods
- Navigation device can also be used in passenger cars without further ado, including hands-free system and remote control
- Further accessory items ranging from roof-mounted auxiliary air conditioning to a reading lamp
Stuttgart. There is a bewildering choice of portable navigation devices on the market today. However, not all of them are suitable for trucks: it is important that the navigation device comes with an installation kit that allows it to be fitted in a safe position for driving, as well as software which makes allowance for the vehicle’s specific profile. Otherwise, drivers could perhaps find themselves stuck under a bridge that is too low or driving down a street that is too narrow.
Up-to-the-minute map material for all driver needs
Developed by Harman Becker und Daimler, the new portable navigation device for trucks is designed to select the optimum route by taking into consideration truck dimensions, trailer data, weight and hazardous goods categories. Special destinations such as truck stops or truck washes are indicated too, along with toll points or the workshop and service network for Daimler trucks. These functions are supplemented by a tailback and traffic warning facility with alternative route guidance based on TMC (Traffic Message Channel). The route planning for short-radius distribution even factors in time at the loading ramp into its calculations. The latest map material from leading provider Navteq is also included, while updates can be downloaded at any time from
Remote control or voice control
The navigation device comes with a remote control. Alternatively, its hands-free system allows it to be voice operated too for greater safety at the wheel. Safety is further enhanced by the professional fitting resulting from the “Actros 2/3” installation kit.
Portable navigation device can also be used in passenger cars
One of the big advantages of portable devices is that they and their hands-free system can be used by drivers without further ado in passenger cars too. As a result, drivers can keep their familiar navigation aid close to hand at all times.
Further innovations from roof-mounted air conditioning to a reading lamp
New items in the Mercedes-Benz genuine accessories range for trucks further include a roof-mounted air conditioning unit, which can be fitted to the Actros in place of the roof hatch on the Megaspace or L-cab with high roof. The MB Cool Air 800 can be operated by remote control to keep the cab at a pleasant temperature in all situations. Installation kits are likewise available for the Axor and Atego, as is a protective hood to match the air conditioning unit.